


Visit by COCN(Council on Competitiveness-Nippon)

On April 21st,2016 Mr.Sudoand other 12 COCN members, Mr.Yamashita and Mr.Ito from Office of University Technology Transfer, University-Industry Collaboration and Regional R&D Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT) visited Kyushu University.

In the afternoon program facilities and researches for the industry-academia-government collaboration and the leading edge research were introduced in the research facility for the co-evolutional social systems.
They watched the introduction video of Kyushu University,followed by introduction of the Next Generation Fuel Cell Research Center(NEXT-FC) by Dr. Sasaki, the Co-evolutional social systems(CESS) by Mr.Korehisa and the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research(OPERA) by Dr.Adachi.
