


Students from Karatsu-Higashi High School, Saga prefecture visited the facilities for Co-Evolutional Social Systems

1st grade students of Karatsu-Higashi High School, Saga prefecture visited the facility for co-evolutional social systems on July 5th 2016.
The school has integrated middle and high school. Last year middle school students visited us.

This year 1st grade students of high school were divided into several groups and separately visited the centers of Kyushu University for the purpose of education on the courses to take in the future. 17 students visited us.

During the stay of 1 hour and a half an introdction video was played, presentation and guided tour of the facility were made by Mr. Koga.
They listened to the explanation on the Urban OS and took notes as if they were taking lectures in the University.

After the presentations they paid a visit to the Big Sensor Box, Laboratories of the organic EL, Computers for IMI(Institute of Mathematics for Industry) and Fuel Cell for industry use, which they seemed to have interests in.

At the end of the visit a representaive of the students expressed gratiude and said that they want to see the Urban OS would come true and the society would get better.  

We will make efforts to succeed in the realization of the future target for the students.

