


Site visit by the visionary team

The site visit was held at the 2nd floor of the research facilities for co-evolutional social systems of Kyushu University on July 5, 2017 by the visionary team of COI program vision 3.

Dr. Sato, who has taken the visionary leader position since April this year, made an presentation followed by the status reports by Dr. Wakayama, research leader and Mr. Korehisa, project leader of CESS.

In addition leaders of 3 groups(civic service, energy and mobility) reported activities mainly on implementation in the society followed by Mr. Korehisa's report on the platform development.

In the afternoon poster session was held to show the progresses and demos of the research and development.

During the wrap-up session advices were given e.g. to clarify the requirements and develop prototypes quickly.
We will shift our focus on developing requirements and prototypes.
