


Site visit for Kyushu University COI(FY2019)

The site visit was held on Sept 18, 2019 at the Research facilities for Coevolutional Social Systems, Kyushu University by the visionary team of the COI Stream Vision 3.

Mr.Ishihara, Project Leader, reported the progress of the project and answers for the opinions / comments which were given beforehand by the visionary leader.

Then progress and the issues were reported for (1) Sustainable Mobility Service, (2) Truely locally generated and consumed energy and (3) ICT monitoring service.

Next Dr. Wakayama,Research Leader, reported the status of the innovation platform followed by the introduction of Dr. Fukumoto as the next research leader of the center.

Finally the poster session was held to give the detailed status of each R&D theme.

We received a lot of opinions and expectation for the outcome which will be utilized for the future operation.
