


[Report] COI Program Vision 3 Kyushu University COI Center Site Visit (2020)

On August 12, 2020 (Wed), COI program vision 3 visionary team performed a site visit to Kyushu University COI Center.

This year, due to COVID, it was held as an online conference connecting JST, Yokohama National University Satellite, Tokyo University Satellite and Kyushu University Ito Campus.

Opening comments were made by Mr. Mizuno, the new visionary leader of vision 3; Chiharu Kubo (President of Kyushu University), the study leader and Hiroto Yasuura (Executive Vice President and Senior Vice President of Kyushu University), Manager of the Center.

Then, a progress overview of the center was given by Yuichi Nakamura (NEC/guest professor at Kyushu University), the new project leader, followed by a Q&A session regarding comments and issues mentioned by the visionary leaders.

Next, each group (Energy, Mobility, ICT, Mathematics-for-Industry) and participating partners gave reports on new innovations such as their current efforts and future plans of social implementation, and COVID measures.

The visionary team commented on how the role of industrial mathematics, which characterizes Kyudai COI, has started to become clear, how our vision has become more focused amid the ongoing “selection and concentration,” and their impression that we have started to function as center “working under one roof.” We will continue to promote further social implementation of our research and consider matters such as designing a post-COI.
